As we head into 2021, many of us are thinking, “Good riddance 2020.” In fact, on my calendar on the date of December 31st, I have written, “Buh Bye 2020.” The year was like no other and I don’t need to tell you how it has impacted so many lives. Who would have dreamed this would happen?
But have you thought about what gifts did 2020 bring to you? You are probably saying, “What? 2020 was the worst year ever!” But along with all its challenges, if you stop and think about it, there were gifts as well.
For me, like many people forced to stay home, I got the gift of time. For those months that everything was closed up, I was home with time to think about what I want I really want to do and what is really important in life. (Hint: it wasn’t material things) I’ve learned how much I value connections with the people in my life more than ever.
Like other voice teachers around the globe ALL teaching went online. So the gift was I that I got very good at teaching on Zoom.
This was a year of learning more tech stuff than I ever would have. I am tech resistant, so I still only do what I want to do as far as the digital world goes.
Because I had no gigs or speaking engagements, I had more time to write and create courses that I never would have. I had to lean on what I know about keeping my voice in shape without the incentive of an upcoming gig to spur me on. It actually made me a more disciplined singer.
What about you? What gifts did you receive? What have you discovered about yourself in 2020? Are you more resilient than you thought? Did you write new songs? Did you develop an appreciation of simple things?
Let’s face it. We could talk all day about how horrible this year has been. I don’t know how it negatively impacted you. I pray you stayed healthy and safe, as well as your loved ones. But I know many people lost jobs, did get sick, lost loved ones, or perhaps became depressed and lonely. We’ve all been touched by this virus in one way or another.
Most of us would just like to hit the “reset” button and have a better experience for 2021. But as we are all thinking about resolutions and goals this time of year, will there be room for the new habits and plans we are making? If we carry all the pain, anxiety, fear, and anger that 2020 brought many of us into 2021, there won't be room for the positive changes that will make our dreams come true. And since this is a singing blog, stress and anxiety can make singing very difficult.
It’s like when you go to the grocery store without first taking inventory on what you already have, and bring home the groceries, to find you have to clean out all the expired and moldy food in the fridge and maybe you accidently bought food you already had on hand. So a better plan would be to clean out the fridge, make a list of what you need and then go to the store and get your groceries.
So here’s what I’m doing. I’m extracting the good I got from 2020 and carrying that into 2021. The negative yucky stuff… I’m leaving it behind. I’m taking the best and leaving the rest.
So as you think about the new year, instead of just resolutions and goals, take inventory and think about what you already have and who you already are and expand from there. One thing to leave behind is any negative self-talk. DO NOT beat yourself up if you are a singer and you did not take advantage of the time and improve your voice. Even if you didn’t sing a single note all year, don’t feel any sense of failure. Empty out your “fridge” of putting yourself down. It’s not going to carry you higher. Leave that behind so you aren’t weighed down as you move forward.
I feel very optimistic about 2021. It may not be perfect. There will be a lot of adjustments for all of us. I’m holding the vision of an open world with hugs, gatherings, music and health. As we step into it with care, let’s not forget the lessons and gifts we gained when the world came to a halt.
If I can help you with your singing journey in any way, feel free to connect with me. Drop me an email or send me a private message on Face Book.
Happy New Year to each one of you.
Stay brilliant and sing on!