The T.I.P. Vocal System
Technique - Inner Work - Performance
What is T.I.P. ?
No matter what style or genre the student sings, the T.I.P. system works three elements that create the singer’s optimal voice. It’s important to use all three together. Technique work alone can be a pitch perfect yet be a dull, disconnected performance. A singer may want to express emotions and story-telling, but without strong technique there won’t be vocal skill to call upon to express and communicate. The balance of all three elements of this process gives the singer the stability and confidence to perform when the time comes to step on that stage.
The students will learn technique exercises to build the skills required for optimal voicing. These could include such things as pitch work, building endurance, eliminating strain, scales, warm-ups, increasing range, navigating registers etc… The voice “muscles” must be developed and strengthened to be up for the task of singing. Good technique allows the singer to sing anything they want in a healthy and sustainable way.
Inside Work
Each lesson will have some inside work. This involves, mindsets, dealing with stage fright, blocks that get in the way of their best singing, the emotions, inspirations etc…Many singers focus only on technique and performance, but there is so much operating below the surface in the subconscious mind that influences our ability to do what we really can do. It’s important to address anything that might hold the singer back.
The final factor in the singing performance is the presentation, so students learn to apply the training to their songs. This could include such things as stage presence, emotionally connecting to the lyric, facial expression, how to handle unexpected situations etc… Rita’s studio has a full P.A. system and the students are usually on the microphone from day one. Even for students who study singing just for the enjoyment of it, getting to a performance level is important to round out the full singing experience. There is great satisfaction in a well-polished presentation and makes all the hard work worth it!
Not all elements of the T.I.P. System may be presented equally in each lesson. If the student is highly skilled, there may be more song coaching. If the singer is a beginner, the techniques portion of the lesson will be longer. The inside work depends on each individual student. The idea is to bring all three into balance.